Consulting Intern
Roland Berger founded its Kyiv office in 1993 in order to bring our consulting services to Ukraine. After first focusing on EU-sponsored projects in the country's textile, food processing and steel industries, we have since broadened our client base to almost all sectors of the Ukrainian economy, advising private companies, international investors, the Ukrainian Government, and international development institutions. Over the past 30 years, we have continuously supported our clients in Ukraine even during difficult times.
Europe is now facing one of the darkest hours since the end of the Second World War, as the Russian regime is waging war against Ukraine. This is an unprecedented act of aggression in Europe since 1945 aimed at attacking fundamental human rights, the value of freedom, and the respect for territorial sovereignty, which cannot go without consequences for business. Therefore, we decided on March 1, 2022 to end any activity for Russian clients globally.
Roland Berger and our employees stand in full solidarity with all the people of Ukraine. As an employer, we are focused on supporting and relocating our Ukrainian colleagues and their families. Our Ukrainian and international employees from numerous Roland Berger offices are engaging in various actions to provide support in this terrible humanitarian crisis.