How industry leaders leverage AI to boost next generation manufacturing & operations.

Operational efficiency and effectiveness make all the difference in a competitive market
"Optimize your value chains by making simplicity and maximum stability your top guiding principles."
Never has the world in which businesses operate been changing as rapidly as it is today. Structural shifts in global markets, geopolitical instability, growing resource scarcity, fragile supply chains and sustainability issues are shaping the business landscape. At the same time, we are witnessing technological disruptions from artificial intelligence, blockchain and the Internet of Things that are massively changing established ways of life and business.
Companies have to find answers to all of these challenges – from high-level strategy to the most granular details of how they operate. Operations is not an end in itself – quite the opposite, operations is the backbone of any successful enterprise. It is the engine room where day by day decisions are made and remade about how future proof the company's business models are. Without efficient operations there can be no innovations, no R&D and no products. Operational efficiency and effectiveness have long been among the most decisive factors in competitive success and their importance will only continue to grow.
But how can we prepare for a future that we can hardly describe, let alone reliably plan? For a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous – or VUCA – world? How can companies become agile without sacrificing their strength? And how can they train their operations to be fit for an unclear future?
Roland Berger's answer to this comprehensive challenge is #OPERA 2030, a consulting model within which we have synthesized the guiding principles for robust and future-proof operations. Incorporating five key perspectives on operational processes and the strategy behind them, #OPERA helps our clients remain agile, adaptive and resilient even under challenging conditions.
O-pen up operations: Opening up the operations chain
P-erfect your value chain: Optimizing the value chain
E-mbrace digital: Embrace digital transformation
R-eorchestrate value generation: Realigning the value chain
A-ccelerate the learning game: Acceleration of learning processes
The world of operations is currently undergoing a profound transformation. Two aspects will significantly shape the future: digitalization and sustainability. We are not satisfied with merely observing this evolution. Working with strong partners, we want to actively drive it forward. That is why we created three awards to honor some of the most innovative achievements in these areas every year.
Our Events
The Operations team as well as our different Practice Groups host a number of inspiring events each year, ranging from our flagship OPERA gathering to regular breakfast roundtables. The guiding idea of all our events is the same: To bring high-level executives together to discuss cutting-edge industry topics. If you'd like to receive a heads-up on future events you can sign up to our newsletter.
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