Germany's hospitals face major challenges
Despite the tense economic situation, clinics plan to create around 30,000 nursing places in 2019
In order to remain at the top level, hospital networks must strengthen their economic self-sufficiency.
The "Roland Berger Hospital Study 2019" shows the serious economic and personnel situation of German hospitals. As part of the analysis, management consultants interviewed board members and managing directors of the country's 400 largest hospitals, and the answers give little cause for celebration. Two factors are particular cause for headache: constantly rising cost pressure and increased competition for qualified nursing staff.
The study on hospitals in Germany in 2019 shows which solutions the institutions are pursuing in order to master the situation. Clinic managers see great scope for increasing efficiency and the strategic orientation of hospitals, for example by expanding the medical portfolio or choosing a location. If the clinics want to exploit these levers to improve their results, they must first and foremost communicate their goals clearly in order to win over their own employees as supporters.