Total operations cost reduction with digital factories.

A new study by Roland Berger (find the PDF for free download below) analyzes the prerequisites for these developments and comes to a clear conclusion: The U.S. ticks all the right boxes to be the ideal playground for the digitization of manufacturing.
Digitization of manufacturing offer abundant opportunities to increase efficiency and reduce cost. The savings potential spans over the full value chain, from manufacturing, to logistics, to maintenance costs. Relative to traditional auto manufacturing plants digital factories can produce a higher number of derivatives and variants on the same assembly line without major changeover costs, with a faster time-to-market, and a higher quality.
This results in a better utilization of capacities and balanced plant and staff deployment. “Since OEMs will need to invest in new plants and technologies, choosing a digital factory will ensure these plants are the best able to meet the demands of the future”, Roland Berger Senior Project Manager Christian Boehler puts it.