Julia: A short introduction
Hello everyone! My name is Julia, a Consultant in the Munich office. I am your new blogpost author for the next few months. I'll be taking you with me as I work at Roland Berger, hoping to answer some of your most burning questions about the job of a strategy consultant.

I joined the Munich office at Roland Berger in 2018, after completing my Bachelor's degree in Technology & Management at TU Munich (including an exchange semester in China) and Master's degree in Digital Business at IE Business School in Madrid. In between, I worked for a consulting firm in Singapore for a few months.
I got to know Roland Berger during "The Pitch" event in 2017, where I was immediately impressed by the friendly and motivated nature of Roland Berger consultants. Due to my slightly more technical background, I eventually decided to join the Digital Competence Center.

Over the past two years, I've been able to work on a number of different, really interesting projects. In my first project, we worked with an Austrian IT startup to build a platform for a Dutch automotive supplier, including the design and build phases. We used a wide variety of agile working methods and also designed a complete change concept for our client.
I also helped redesign the sales structure and processes of a fuel card provider by conducting more than ten workshops in ten weeks in four different departments and three different countries (Germany, Czech Republic and Italy)! Furthermore, I conducted a pricing strategy for a pharmaceutical company and accompanied a German health insurance company on its way to implementing the digital patient record.

Every project has proved a challenge and great opportunity to grow and get out of my comfort zone. Because of our great project diversity, you can learn a lot, daily, in terms of content and methodology.
Besides all the work, we are of course fans of the dogma "work hard, play hard" and try to live this slogan with festive events - pre-COVID in person or now during COVID - virtually. I will tell you more about this in my next blog post :) Until then, take care… Julia