Shaping the digital transformation: Questions top managers should be asking today

New strategic options
There is no alternative to digital transformation. Visionary companies will carve out new strategic options for themselves—those that don’t adapt, will fail.
The number of digital options open to businesses is growing exponentially, and with no sign of letting up. At the same time, digitalization poses a huge threat to existing competitive positions and is radically shifting companies' chances of winning the game. This leaves a key question for anyone in a position of corporate responsibility. Is their company properly prepared to face digital disruption?
We help companies change the game to suit their own rules. Many firms only ever tackle new topics from the inside out. If digital transformation is your goal, however, this approach is not enough. Helping companies to get a clear picture of what lies ahead, we encourage them to ask the right questions and take bold entrepreneurial actions—actions that are radically digital. Forget your competitors. It’s time to think about your customers.
Digital Transformation
The challenge of digitalization is not about gaining a mastery of digital technologies. Instead, top management must create the conditions and culture needed to enable the transformation to a digitally mature organization. New technologies offer innumerable ways to reach your market, and today’s tech-savvy customers expect you to keep up. To remain competitive, businesses across all industries must meet the demand for faster, more efficient, and more innovative service. However, the big question remains: how do you engineer a successful digital transformation?
At Roland Berger, we encourage you to disrupt your business before it is disrupted by others. Our Digital Impact approach is designed to help you maximize your performance in the new digital world. We know how to identify the necessary changes and, just as importantly, how to implement them. From defining a digital vision and strategy, to developing mission statements and investment schedules, setting innovation goals, and re-designing organizational structures, our consultants are experts at guiding companies through every stage of their digital transformation. We help you to put your customers at the center of your goals.
Transformation Comes Alive
Digital transformation is like conquering a summit for the first time. It takes a clear, ambitious vision, many seemingly vain attempts, and an unswerving determination to overcome the obstacles and barriers that present themselves as you take those giant strides onwards and upwards. Flexibility and agility are key, as are prototyping and testing new products and services with real customers.
Every digital journey begins with a first step. At Roland Berger, we understand the enormous magnitude of its impact and encourage our clients to view it as a challenge. Smart presentations and town hall meetings alone will not change your organization. Instead, we help you reach the digital summit with a step by step approach. We build Minimum Viable Products as first prototypes, test innovative ideas rapidly, and evaluate them iteratively. We connect corporates with startups. Get in touch with us and come feel the start-up spirit at our digital hub "Spielfeld" in Berlin—or at our Labs in Paris and Lisbon.