" Companies in many sectors find themselves threatened by disruptive competition. The era of aging gracefully is over; in industry after industry, Roland Berger’s Partners argue, only the entrepreneurial will survive. "

For most companies, entrepreneurship tends to be associated with the company’s early years – a lively period when leaders with bold ideas flourish, taking their firm to undreamed heights. It’s a special period, but it seldom lasts. Over time, this spirit slowly fades, never to be recovered.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. Occasionally, a company will enjoy a renaissance as a rare leader pilots a faltering older company to a new period of success. In Re-entrepreneuring: How to combine an organization’s strengths with the start-up mindset (Bloomsbury, 2018, by the Partners of Roland Berger, edited by Charles-Edouard Bouée and Stefan Schaible), the Roland Berger Partners make the case that these kinds of second-wave successes are often not a fluke but the result of a deliberate strategy. The truth, the corporate strategists have concluded, is that these mature enterprises succeeded by taking a series of steps that set them on an exciting new path to renewed vigor and profitability.
In normal economic times, this thesis might have limited economic value. Traditionally, the mature company’s role was to preserve its advantages, not take on new risks. However, in this era of fast-paced global change, a defensive game is often no longer an option. Companies in many sectors find themselves threatened by disruptive competition. The era of aging gracefully is over; in industry after industry, Roland Berger’s Partners argue, only the entrepreneurial will survive.
In this short book, the Partners examine how the leaders of a few exceptional organizations revived their firm’s latent entrepreneurial instincts and built an exciting new business out of a threatened older franchise. Re-entrepreneuring involves the powerful interplay of two seemingly opposing forces: the strengths, assets and experience of a large established organization that have been honed over time with the entrepreneurial mindset characteristic of start-ups. Readers will learn how through this process, which the Partners dub re-entrepreneuring, companies in a variety of industries have turned themselves around.
In case after case, the authors show, obsolescence is a choice. By seeing the world through fresh eyes and giving employees the freedom to re-imagine their business, a company can open itself up to an exciting new era.
The book contains a total of ten chapters. To give you a first impression, we have summarized them for you.
A new book from Roland Berger shows how mature companies can bring back the energy of their startup days and achieve a new era of prosperity.