a key player.

Be a key player.

Corporate Functions


Who? How? What? Why? You'll be someone who asks these questions a lot, and you like to answer them yourself as well. Our consultants rely on expert analysts to deliver sound information and data for their projects and proposals.

As part of the team, you will develop high-quality studies, analyze trends and prepare market data for our projects. We have over 100 exclusive databases with information on all different markets and companies at our disposal here at Roland Berger Research, and we use them to give our customers the very latest information on any topic.

Experience Report
Portrait of Katharina
I did a research internship in Frankfurt while I was studying for my degree. I liked it so much that I stayed on as a working student and then started a permanent job in the Stuttgart office after I graduated. Later, I moved south and joined the team at our head office in Munich. In Research, we support the project teams with relevant business information, and that means working very closely with the consultants. Due to the wide range of different projects our consultants work on, we're always coming up against new topics and trends, which makes our job extremely varied. Working in international teams is what I really like about the job, and many of my colleagues have become friends over time.
Experience Report
Portrait of Peter
After starting out with a transport planning and consulting company in Munich, I moved into research at Roland Berger, where I specialized in the capital goods industries. My professional development then quickly led me to become a team lead for researchers working in different specializations and different offices. As my career progressed, I had the chance to take on additional responsibilities and be in charge of more international teams, moving from the Munich office to Berlin, later to Amsterdam, and now I'm back in the Berlin office. As a director, I'm still very close to the topics our consulting projects cover, and I'm still discovering new issues and new challenges. I am also very happy that our research department is growing even more internationalized and I'm actively involved in shaping that development. But the most important thing for me is our outstanding team spirit!
Further reading