The Butterfly Principle
3:00-4:00 pm CEST
How can we counteract the effects of a crisis in such a way that when it ends, we enter a better, more conscious, and more efficient world than before?
Can we use the thawing of structures to finally implement radical solutions? Can we finally accelerate transformation processes that we have not yet tackled with sufficient determination - especially digitization, sustainability, agility, ecosystem-based business models?
Can we organize the transition to the new normal in such a way that the welfare losses of the recession caused by the pandemic are quickly overcompensated?
July 21, 2020 | 3:00-4:00 pm CEST
So, what is to be done against the background of the new normal and the urgent need for action?
Roland Berger has developed a four-step framework to successfully take full advantage of these unique opportunities and initiate a smart and determined transition. We call the metamorphosis of business "The Butterfly Principle".
To learn more about this principle, please read our recent article.