With artificial intelligence and blockchain solutions, a new technological race is beginning. Roland Berger, in collaboration with the Handelsblatt Research Institute, analyzes the challenges and prospects for the German economy.
Getting back on track
Companies and management teams that find themselves in advanced earnings or liquidity crises require rapid support in order to avert impending insolvency. In that scenario, stakeholders, particularly creditors and investors, demand a comprehensive turnaround: They want their companies to be repositioned in order to restore their profitability and to secure their loans and investments. Our holistic restructuring concept includes all corporate and non-corporate assets, optimizes the business of companies through cost reductions, and improves their financial situation by adjusting the balance sheet, which of course takes into account their debt situation and secures a healthy finance structure. Never losing sight of the big picture, we also tap into new revenue streams in order to prepare companies and their corporate structures for what the future holds.
We are the market leader for restructuring services in the German-speaking world and also hold a strong position in the international arena. We have earned an outstanding reputation among our clients as well as our industry peers. Over the years, we have been able to prevent insolvencies in both SMEs and large corporations and establish new sustainable structures. Our business restructuring concept focuses on three mutually reinforcing levers for value creation: strategic reorientation, operational restructuring, and financial restructuring. We help companies and their management resolve their most pressing (liquidity) issues, restructure their business systems, and regain the trust of their financial backers. Lastly, within the framework of special audits we evaluate companies' digital maturity and prepare them for potential disruptions, even from competitors outside of their own industry.
We thereby lay the foundation for sustainable business success based on competitive cost structures, innovation, and growth.
We offer the full range of business restructuring services and also provide support for (re)financing, for the establishment of new preventive restructuring frameworks, for external reporting, and for the implementation of such measures. With many years of project experience in numerous industries and regions, our restructuring professionals are at the top of their field. The restructuring of a company thereby becomes the starting point for change that targets and achieves a strategic objective with us as a partner and a sustainable business restructuring concept at its core.
It is not merely a matter of averting acute crises – ranging from liquidity shortage to an imminent inability to pay to over-indebtedness – and thereby averting imminent insolvency, but also establishing a business model for companies in distress and turnaround situations that will be successful in the long term. We also provide support for the orderly handling of insolvency proceedings as the final option when all other possibilities have been exhausted. A procedure professionally prepared together with our experts, such as through self-administration or a safety net, helps to secure and maximize assets for shareholders and creditors even in the event of insolvency. Our restructuring experts work together with the management team to develop corresponding strategies and ultimately achieve a sustainable change and an improvement in financial as well as operational performance.
We are committed to supporting companies and their stakeholders with a holistic and entrepreneurial restructuring concept to help them become robust in the future and strengthen their competitiveness long term. To ensure a successful business restructuring and ultimately a sustainable turnaround, we utilize our comprehensive toolkit that has proven itself in numerous crisis situations. In addition to liquidity, business, and scenario planning, it also encompasses all of the levers of financial and performance-related restructuring, including the establishment of a cash office to create maximum transparency concerning inflows and outflows of liquidity or the procurement of public forms of financial assistance such as guarantees, special programs, export credit guarantees, or short-time compensation.
Together with our clients we define a strategic objective and develop a sustainable concept that will satisfy the stakeholders. We then arrange for the systematic implementation of measures and their long-term safeguarding through the establishment of corresponding early warning systems, among other things. We thereby strengthen the resilience of a company and prepare it to handle future risks, crises, and disruptions.
We regularly publish publications and articles on the topics of restructuring and realignment. They provide food for thought, classify topics and give companies an insight into the work of our restructuring consultancy.
Our key areas of expertise
Although the Earth's rotation remains unchanged, there is a growing challenge globally in keeping pace with the rapid rate of change. Global issues such as Sustainability and Climate Change, Smart Mobility, and Next Generation Manufacturing are significantly impacting the international landscape, placing businesses in the midst of intricate and urgent matters.