


Portrait of Christof Huth

作为值得信赖的合作伙伴,我们的私募股权咨询团队在有关并购交易和价值创造的项目上拥有深厚的行业和职能相关专业知识,可为金融和战略投资者提供服务。我们为私募股权基金及其投资公司的投资决策提供支持,并为实现公司( 潜在)价值识别最重要的杠杆。






  • 我们拥有专有的知识:资深行业专家和国际人才网络
  • 我们拥有丰富的经验:众多私募股权交易相关项目
  • 我们拥有全面的方法:综合战略、运营和财务视角以及实践落地


1. 行业专家



2. 职能专家





1. 商业尽职调查(CDD)



2. 运营尽职调查(ODD)




3. 危险信号分析



4. 私募股权价值创造



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5. 股份价值认证书/脱手价值

我们的私募股权咨询团队支持私募股权投资者及其投资公司制定股份价值认证书,以在投资周期的最后阶段提高脱手价值。即我们的团队为客户制定综合业务规划,包括具体行动方案,例如收入改进计划、运营成本优化和实施管理( 概念验证)。此外,我们也为客户的最佳退出时机和最佳退出渠道提供咨询。

6. Web3 Due Diligence (Web3 DD)

The Web3 and Metaverse industry is seeing huge interest from all types of investors, leading to a $33 billion global investment in 2021. Although promising, the complexity of this sector differs from traditional investments, requiring specialized skills to understand relevant dimensions like decentralized ledger technology, smart contracts performance and security, tokenomics and ecosystem dependencies. With the constant evolution of the Web3 landscape, a strong due diligence framework is necessary. We have developed a unique Web3 Due Diligence framework incorporating all relevant technical and ecosystem dimensions to support investors navigate this complex field, comprehend global dependencies, and identify sustainable high value projects.

7. Red-flag analysis

A red-flag analysis is a time-compressed review of a target's most important aspects early in the process to provide a potential investor/merger partner with an overview of potential red-flag issues. The focus is always on the question: Are the target and its business outlook sustainable? Specifically: Is the company competitively positioned and do the market trends allow for steady cash flow and ongoing profitability?

To answer these questions and support private equity companies in potential acquisition decisions, our consultants conduct a holistic analysis of the market and competition by assessing key success factors from both a customer and a business perspective. In detail, we evaluate the market environment and business model, analyze the customer landscape and key purchasing criteria, and review the competitive landscape, including the target's strategic positioning.

8. Private equity value creation

The last decade was amazing for private equity, with deal multiples shooting up 50 to 60 percent between the 2010s and 2020s. But now the world has changed. Inflation is at a record high, interest rates have made a massive comeback and a recession is looming.

At times like this, you need a strong partner at your side. We have profound experience helping private equity companies navigate troubled waters. We carry out more than 600 successful projects a year and our reputation is second to none – in fact, we have been consistently ranked No. 1 in performance improvement since 2014.

Four key levers can add value to your private equity portfolio – multiple arbitrage, growth, profitability increase and deleverage. We show you how to exploit them and create value. With our support, every step of the way.

Using our implementation-based approach, we show you how to actively create value in your portfolio with the help of our proprietary products and services. We support you through the entire process, from drawing up a strategic vision and identifying short-term improvement levers to developing a comprehensive value creation program for medium to long-term development – and right through to exit.

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9. Equity story/exit value

Our private equity consulting team supports private equity investors and their portfolio companies in developing an equity story to enhance the exit value during the final phase of an investment cycle. This means that our team develops an integrated business plan for the client, including specific actions such as a top-line improvement program, operational cost optimization and implementation management (proof of concept). We also advise our clients on the perfect exit timing and the optimal exit channel.

10. Infrastructure investment

Pent-up demand for infrastructure investment – partly in the wake of the pandemic – makes this a time of extraordinary opportunity for those who would boldly target more lucrative rewards. As investors stake their claim in trends that will shape the whole of society and the economy for decades to come, it is therefore more critical than ever to carefully reassess risks, runtimes and returns. Our team has profound expertise in many areas of infrastructure and combines this with a thorough functional understanding of transactions and value creation projects. We can help you navigate emerging challenges and play a sustainable, profitable role in shaping and strengthening the backbone of today’s and tomorrow’s society.

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Roland Berger Private Equity Leadership
Our global network
Portrait of René Seijger
高级合伙人, Supervisory Board Deputy Chairman, Middle East Chairman
迪拜办公室, 中东
Portrait of Pedro Guimaraes
高级合伙人, Managing Partner Brazil
Portrait of Yuzuru Ohashi
高级合伙人, Managing Partner Japan
东京办公室, 东亚
+81 3 4564-6660