Communication on the Progress of the UN Global Compact 2017-2018
Explore how Roland Berger brought UN Global Compact values to life in 2017-2018 with new initiatives on human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption.
Over the course of 2017-2018, Roland Berger has implemented a number of initiatives aimed at realizing the values of the UN Global Compact: respect for human rights, fair labor standards, anti-corruption, and respect for the environment.
The Communication on Progress for the UN Global Compact (2017-2018) outlines how we realized the four pillars of the UN Global Compact (human rights, labor standards, environment, anti-corruption) during this period and what initiatives we are continuing to develop.
Diversity has been a significant focus of our policies and programs during this time. As an international organization, diversity can be nothing less than essential to our consultants, partners, and clients. Over 2017-2018, we introduced a number of initiatives to create an inclusive working space for all members of our community, particularly with regard to gender, multiculturalism, and LGBTQ+ issues. We are also actively providing resources to support the physical and mental health of our colleagues in the course of their work.
In 2017, we launched a vast consultation process about Roland Berger's culture and diversity. Colleagues from all our offices worldwide provided valuable, detailed, positive and sometimes critical feedback, which we have used to guide the development of new and existing initiatives within the organization.
Furthermore, to underline the importance of diversity for our firm, we put the topic on the agenda of the biannual shareholder meeting of all Roland Berger Partners worldwide. The meaningful discussions around this topic at the shareholder meeting resulted in the creation of defined measures to further improve our company in this field.
As a global consultancy firm, we are aware that our partners often work under significant pressure. The mental and emotional well-being of all our colleagues is central to our work as a firm and an important human right. Over the course of 2017-2018, we have also continued to prioritize stress management and set up new initiatives to support RB Partners, whose hard work is the reason for Roland Berger’s success as a firm.
Apart from human rights and labor, we have strengthened our commitment to the additional UN Global Compact values of anti-corruption and environmentalism.
Highlights of our fresh accomplishments in implementing the general Global Compact over the 2017-2018 period are:
In addition, Roland Berger supports various initiatives such as Women in Africa , which aims to create the first global network of women executives and leaders in Africa, and to promote their role and economic, social and political influence in Africa and beyond.
This yearly report describes the tangible steps that we have put into place to proactively uphold our commitment to these principles. It is our sixth since Roland Berger Strategy Consultants GmbH became a member of the UN Global Compact.
Explore how Roland Berger brought UN Global Compact values to life in 2017-2018 with new initiatives on human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption.