



最新のローランド・ベルガーのEV(電気自動車)充電指数によると、急速な拡大期を終えた2023 年は、一部の地域で EV販売とインフラ成長に鈍化が見られ、グローバルEV市場において地域によるまだら模様が明らかになりました。一方で、EV充電市場は、自動車メーカー(Original Equipment Manufacturer、以下OEM)の参画により、活発化しています。EV充電インフラ開発は依然として自動車販売ほど進んでいないものの、ほぼすべての市場で急速 DC(直流) 充電装置が増加し、消費者にも公共のEV充電機能の改善が認知されています。





EV充電指数の第5版は、ヨーロッパ、中国、アメリカ、中東、アジア(その他)の5つの地域の32都市と31の指標をカバーしています。これは、業界インタビュー、一次調査、および2024年第2四半期に実施された15,800人以上の参加者を対象とした調査に基づいています。この中で、私たちは包括的な調査結果を示すと共に、EV普及、政策、充電インフラ、市場動向という4つの主要分野に焦点を当てています。EV 充電指数スコアは 0 から 100 の範囲で評価され、ネットワークの充足度や顧客満足度など、これらの分野における国の充電施設の準備状況を表しています。

レポート全文(英語のみ)は、 こちら よりダウンロードできます。それぞれの市場について、 現地の専門家による洞察 もご覧いただけます。











Our EV Charging Regions insights

Brazil recorded a slight decline in its overall ranking in this year’s Index. Its EV market is still young, although the sales penetration rate grew from 1% to 3% in 2023. Its public charging network is reasonable but growing at a much slower rate.

Canada’s EV sales penetration is gradually rising but remains low. Ambitious government targets and funding should help vehicle sales and charging infrastructure to grow, although extra support may be required.

Mexico’s e-mobility sector is very much in its infancy, reinforced by its position near the bottom of our 2024 rankings. However, changes in government and the EV portfolio could accelerate growth among consumers and expand charging infrastructure.

The United States remains a leading e-mobility market, despite a slight decline in its overall score. EV sales are growing, driven by rising popularity for plug-in-hybrids. Home charging still dominates and there is work to do to improve public charging infrastructure. Meanwhile, political support for e-mobility rests heavily on the outcome of the US election in November 2024.


Austria shows strong growth in both its charging network and EV sales. This reflects a harmonious blend of policy-driven support, technological innovation, and strategic collaborations. However, the country must address a lack of fast DC chargers.

Belgium shows impressive growth in EV penetration across all sectors, although the corporate leasing market still dominates sales; among the general public, e-mobility is still seen as expensive.

France moved up to fourth in this year’s ranking. Its EV sales penetration remained stable, while the country’s charging sufficiency is among the best.

Germany remains second in our ranking, despite falling EV sales. The number of chargers in the country is high, but charging sufficiency is below average. Meanwhile, charging infrastructure growth is encouraging, but it must accelerate considerably to hit government targets.

Hungary has shown encouraging growth in EV sales and charging infrastructure to improve its ranking. However, the number of public charge points must grow rapidly if the country is to meet its targets.

Italy’s overall score improved in 2023, after a decline the previous year. EV sales were up, but the penetration rate remained unchanged, still well below the global average. Greater clarity on government incentives is needed to address this. Progress remains solid in public infrastructure development.

The Netherlands maintains its place near the top of the rankings. EV sales are strong and its public charging infrastructure is well established, although growth has slowed. Fast charging remains a weakness: the ratio of DC chargers is among the worst globally.

Norway slips several places in the current Index. Its EV sales are still world-leading, but the country’s public charging infrastructure has not grown at the same pace.

Portugal’s EV sales penetration rate showed healthy growth and is ahead of most other European nations. Its charging sufficiency is less impressive, however, and growth in public charge points must accelerate to meet government targets.

Romania’s score rose by seven points, accompanied by serious improvement in customer satisfaction with the charging experience. However, public charging sufficiency could be improved, along with a swifter increase in EV adoption to fully realize Romania’s potential in e-mobility.

Spain’s EV market is showing encouraging growth, despite uncertainty around the dominant technology and financial viability. Its public charging infrastructure is expanding rapidly, although the availability of fast charging remains an issue.

Sweden fell back toward mid-table in this year’s Index. The EV sales penetration rate is still very high, but there is work to do on its public charger network, particularly in fast charging.

Switzerland’s EV sales penetration rate is healthy, but growth is slowing. And while its public charging sufficiency is comfortably above average, the share of DC chargers in Switzerland is well below par.

The UK EV market experienced moderate growth in 2023, with its EV sales penetration rate falling behind other major European countries. Its public charging sufficiency is among the region’s poorest, but satisfaction among drivers with the charging experience continues to rise.

Middle East

In the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) region , the UAE leads the way for e-mobility, ahead of Saudi Arabia and Qatar among the countries covered in this Index. There is still much to do to boost EV adoption and charging infrastructure, but a growing number of private and public stakeholders are boosting market dynamism.

Israel moves up one place in our ranking as its EV sales and charging infrastructure continue to grow, albeit not at the same pace – its charging sufficiency was among the lowest in 2023.

Turkey is showing strong growth in e-mobility, moving into the top 20 of our ranking thanks to a major increase in EV sales and above-average charging sufficiency.


China maintains its position at the top of our Index rankings, widening the gap to its nearest challengers. EV sales rates continue to grow, although the Chinese government has now phased out subsidies for vehicle purchases and is focusing on improving the quality and coverage of the country’s already impressive charging network.

India improved its score slightly in 2023 but its ranking fell slightly from 12th to 16th. E-mobility is still in its early stages, with India’s EV sales penetration rate rising from 1% to 2%. The number of private charge points is increasing rapidly, with public charging expanding more slowly.

Indonesia slipped back down the ranking in 2023. Its EV sales penetration rate doubled from 1% to 2%, but, despite impressive growth in its public charging infrastructure, its charging sufficiency is among the lowest in the Index.

Japan’s EV sales remain low and the country falls several places in this year’s rankings. Lack of customer satisfaction in public charging is a major factor, but this could change as Japan’s infrastructure expands.

Malaysia has the second-lowest score in this year’s Index after a decline in performance in 2023. EV sales are growing, but the penetration rate is still just 1%, while public charging sufficiency has room for improvement.

Singapore improved its score in 2023 but dropped from 15th to 18th in our latest Index. EV sales grew steadily and while public charging sufficiency failed to keep pace, it still scores highly.

South Korea’s EV sales dropped slightly in 2023, but solid scores elsewhere helped it maintain its above-average ranking. The government is adjusting its subsidy policies for EVs and charging infrastructure in a bid to take Korean e-mobility to the next level.

Thailand’s ranking slipped slightly as it repeated its score from the previous year. EV sales show strong growth, but the country has the worst public charging sufficiency of all nations in our Index.

Vietnam’s EV sales penetration rate shot up from 2% to 10% in 2023. However, the country’s overall score and ranking is restricted by a lack of data on its charging infrastructure.

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