Portrait of Casper Veenman

Casper Veenman

Senior Partner
Amsterdam Office

, Western Europe

+31 20 7960-600

Casper Veenman, Senior Partner at Roland Berger, specializes in the transportation and automotive sectors. He supports a range of Dutch market players in operational improvement, innovation management, market analyses and sector development. Whether rail, road or water, Casper is dedicated to advancing mobility.

He is a trusted advisor to clients both in the Netherlands and abroad, accumulating a wealth of knowledge and experience in the national and international transportation industries since 2002. Casper's approach is characterized by his genuine curiosity. He tackles his client's issues head on, working with them side-by-side to find innovative solutions that can be put into practice straightaway.

Casper studied Computer Science at the University of Amsterdam and followed the leadership development program at Harvard Business School. He began his consultancy career at another leading global consulting firm, and has worked at Roland Berger in Amsterdam since 2008, where he manages our activities in the Transportation and Automotive sectors.

" I am fueled by the chance to translate seemingly impossible questions into tangible solutions, to play my part in advancing mobility and our society. "
Casper Veenman

Aviation Consulting

Florian Dehne

Solution, March 28, 2024

Airport consulting

Article, September 19, 2023

Available in NL

Hoe houden wij Nederland in beweging?

Casper Veenman

Study, June 25, 2020

Urban Logistics Convention 2017

Tobias Schoenberg

Point of view, December 4, 2017

Enabling smarter cities

Tobias Schoenberg

Point of view, August 4, 2017

The Last Mile

René Seijger

Study, June 28, 2017

Available in NL

Smart Mobility Sessions

René Seijger

Point of view, May 10, 2017

Available in NL

Slimme mobiliteit: van product naar dienst

René Seijger

Point of view, May 2, 2017

Available in NL

Slag van de zeehavens

Arnoud van der Slot

Study, December 7, 2016

Autonomous driving

Wolfgang Bernhart

Think:Act, November 30, 2014

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